Thursday, January 11, 2007

ok, ok, ok, I'll post!!!

Since I'm a 007... most of the excitement in my life is strictly confidential.... HA! ok.. bad excuse!

my little chicks keep me quite busy! my eldest chick is full of adventure, loves life and people. she's my drama queen, soccer playing, hannah montana fanatic. So much fun!! It's scary though.. some of the music she likes is old remakes of when I was growing up!!! She's shocked when a song comes out and I already know the words! "one up"!:) my middle chick is my tender hearted nurturer, sensitive peacemaker, song writer ballerina princess.. but don't cross her she will bite. my youngest chick is my little ham, loves to laugh, play, sing and wants to be in the middle of every party and already at age 2 is a professional acrobat. I love them dearly and have a great time watching them grow to be the little women God designed them to be. I like what my friend posted "especially creating a team of brothers for the future". I think I will change it to with the LORD'S help..."creating a team of sisters for the future". I always tell them that they are the only sisters they have and will be there for each other forever! Our motto is "love, hugs and kisses"! [When they become teenagers I'll have to modify that one!!!]

My prayer for them is that they would love the Lord with all their heart, soul and mind and that they would be good and gentle and kind, be patient, have self-control and love others like Jesus loves! That they would know that God loves them very much, that they were fearfully and wonderfully made and God has a very special plan for their life. Obey Him all the days of their lives, to know God's true word, the Bible and hide it in their hearts. To remember to be more concerned with their inward beauty and know they will always be beautiful on the outside for it!

Not a day goes by that some crazy thing goes on... we don't get bored around our house! whoever thought you could turn cooking and cleaning into a game!! ok... forget the cleaning... I clean and turn my back for 5 seconds and well it's not clean anymore! My mom sent me a welcome mat "the house was clean LAST WEEK, sorry you missed it".. I want to change it to "the house was clean 5 seconds ago....what in the world happened? with a picture of a dumbfounded mom with frazzled hair scratching her head with a word bubble..I swore I saw a clean house!?"

As my eldest chick would say.."peace out" for today! And maybe it won't take me so long to post again!


Anonymous said...

I have sacrificed my formerly clean house at the alter of my sanity. I'm much happier now.


Gayle said...

heyy check the blog there is somethin about my lil drama queen you gotta see it!