Sunday, September 30, 2007

Living Through Your Child???

Wow... God's really teaching me a lesson on letting go! I want so much for my tween daughter to be all that God wants her to be (or should I say what I think God wants her to be). I want so much to tell her how to act , what to wear, what to say etc....ect...ect.... That I forget that my responsibility is to guide her and teach her but I have to let her fly!!! Learn and live! I have to remember if I am faithful in guiding and setting the example that God will take care of the rest!!! So today I am going to let her fly!
While i'm On my knees!

My most recent Quote o'the mom:
Don't worry about boys right now concentrate on running the race God has set before you and when you are old enough,(like 30 ha ha)look beside you to see who's running with you..that young man God has for you might just be right next to you encouraging you to go His way!

1 comment:

C said...

Ya' know, Mackenzie's not even nine, but we've already had the whole two-piece vs. one-piece and belly showing shirts discussion.

I talk to her openly about how boys view girls sexually, and how it shows respect and love for your friends when you cover yourself.

I've also looked her in the eyes and said, "I know that YOU don't care about your husband right now and don't even want to THINK about that ... so I'll do it for you. Everything that I ask of you when it comes to behavior and dress ... it is because I am already thinking of your husband, and praying for him. I'm praying that his Mom is doing the same thing! So, if you hate what I'm doing, one day you can just take it up with him! *smile*"